Recommended by Duane.
Faz Waltz is a Rock Band from Cantu, Italy. They have released 7 albums over the past 11 years. Their sound is deeply soaked and stoked in 70s Style Party Punk. Think the Sweet, the Knack, Struts, Undertones, Jet, early Bowie, Cheap Trick etc...

The guitars are on the cleaner side of dirty. The vocals are sung with plenty of attitude. Backups are great. The stripped down sound, sounds simple, but I bet it's harder to achieve than one might imagine.
Faz Waltz sounds like they should be Widely and Wildly popular. I stumbled upon them while going over a sale via Pirates Press Records (street punk and Oi! record label founded in 2005). I currently own 4 of their albums, and look forward to getting the other 3.
So, if this sounds like a good time...
Get yer Rocks off & Get yer Glam On with FAZ WALTZ!
Faz Waltz - Rock'N'Roll Boy